Laurie Thames

This is a website to provide regular updates on the status of the breast cancer treatments for Laurie Thames.

Location: Garland, Texas, United States

On December 20, 2005, Laurie was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer. The tumor was small (about 0.7 cm) and was found during a routine mammogram just before Thanksgiving. A call-back assessment was conducted on December 2, and a biopsy conducted on December 20. Her diagnosis was received on Thursday evening, December 22. Not exactly the Christmas present we were looking for, but in spite of that, Christmas in Dallas with family was all-the-more precious.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Laurie's New Radiation Oncologist (Feb. 9, 2006)

After learning that Laurie's cancer had spread, even if only microscopically, plans for the type of radiation she would undergo changed. Dr. Knox's office suggested a radiation oncologist at the Texas Cancer Center in Mesquite, just a couple minutes from our home.

Today was the day that we met our new radiation oncologist, Dr. Michela Caruso. We had been told that Dr. Caruso was the most requested radiation oncologist in the Dallas area. Born and raised in Rome, she received much of her training in radiation oncology at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. It was obvious that she knew her craft well. A brief exam and consult confirmed that Laurie would receive External Beam Radiation Therapy about three weeks after her last chemo treatment. The anticipated first day was May 8. We were glad to have this part of the treatment plan set in place.


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