Laurie Thames

This is a website to provide regular updates on the status of the breast cancer treatments for Laurie Thames.

Location: Garland, Texas, United States

On December 20, 2005, Laurie was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer. The tumor was small (about 0.7 cm) and was found during a routine mammogram just before Thanksgiving. A call-back assessment was conducted on December 2, and a biopsy conducted on December 20. Her diagnosis was received on Thursday evening, December 22. Not exactly the Christmas present we were looking for, but in spite of that, Christmas in Dallas with family was all-the-more precious.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Morning After (Feb. 11, 2006)

Laurie had a good night's sleep, waking only once! We weren't sure how she would feel in the morning, but are pleasantly surprised. The major concern was nausea. Thankfully, she has none, probably due to the extensive array of medicines on the kitchen counter. :-) We have been told to expect that the second day might be tougher, but that's tomorrow. We are grateful for today!

We want to take this time to thank the many of you who have prayed, sent cards, provided meals, and just been there when we needed a word of encouragement or a hug. We have been overwhelmed by God's love through each and everyone of you. THANK YOU!

We also covet your continued prayer. God's blessing through your prayers is obvious to us and encouraging beyond measure. Specifically, please pray for the following as the Lord brings Laurie to mind.

* That Laurie will continue to tolerate the chemo well with minimal side effects.
* That the chemo would have its intended result and any stray cancer cells would be destroyed.
* That Laurie would be able to resume her teaching schedule at Scofield and have the strength to handle 13 eager kindergarteners.
* That Laurie's immune system would stay strong enough to help her ward off any infections.

Again, thanks for your care and concern. We love you all!


Blogger aspire2 said...

Laurie and Jim, We're so sorry you are having to go through this, but we so appreciate your testimony. Know you are loved and you have many praying friends.

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us informed. (I wasn't sure I had the right site when I read the hunting part)! We love ya'll so much!
Jim and Beth

9:39 PM  

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